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Prisoners of Hope International

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are… 

So return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double.

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Who We Are

Prisoners of Hope International is a ministry of Casa de Oración Familiar (Family Prayer Center) headquartered in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

POHI was born from a vision given to pastor Daniel Dyer, where the Lord revealed how the prophet Daniel, from a position of slavery, could influence the destinies of two world empires. The Lord revealed that prison systems would be centers for nation transformation and that one day His glory would shine so brightly that people would line up to get in prisons, not try to get out. 

Our vision is to disciple to spiritual maturity an army of Godly men and women behind prison walls able to provide a dwelling place for the Lord's end-time presence and glory.  

Home: Who We Are

Kingdom Prisons

A Pathway to Transformation

Home: What We Do

Finding Faithful Men

Prisoners of Hope International disciples faithful groups of inmates who are anointed to teach and mature others.

POHI disciples through anointed teaching of the Word of God to pastors, leaders, and others who are thirsty for the unadulterated milk of the Word. As we walk with prisoners on the path to spiritual maturity, the light of Truth replaces the dogma and doctrines of men.


I'm a Prisoner of Hope!

Prisoners of Hope are held captive by God's Vision for their lives.  

Natural men want to leave prison. But once they are born of the Spirit, they operate with Hope unavailable to them before.

Prisoners of Hope International guides spiritually maturing inmates through a paradigm shift where prisoners recognize that they can walk in God's perfect will, even if it's in prison. They no longer seek physical release from prison and begin pursuing God's will where they are at. Like the prophet Daniel in Babylon, POHI inmates are ordained by God to infiltrate the enemy’s camp and alter the prison environment from the inside out.

They are no longer prisoners of the system.

They are Prisoners of Hope!

Promoting Servant Leadership

That you may know what is the hope of His calling… (Eph 1:18)

Prisoners of Hope International establishes inmates in leadership positions within prison walls.

Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was in him. (Dan 6:3).

Daniel's “excellent spirit” allowed him to alter the environment of two world empires and usher the Kingdom of God into kingdoms renowned for their darkness. He became a nation shaper.

Prisoner of Hope inmates are taking leadership positions in commerce, education, medicine, and cell block administration. These modern-day Daniels, through the power of favor, humility, and Love manifested in wisdom, are transforming prison environments!


Unifying Police & Prisoners

Prisoners of Hope International disciples prison guards, administration, and officials, to raise Prisoners of Hope on both sides of prison walls.

The term “Prisoner of Hope” refers to those sold out to the spiritual vision God has for their lives, whether they be prison inmates or guards.

Transformation of the prison system to a Kingdom Prison will manifest when prisoners and prison officials sit at the same table as POHI inmates.

Prepared & Deployed

Prisoners of Hope International is expanding the Kingdom by training and sending paroled POHI inmates to other prisons to discover and disciple additional groups of faithful men.

As prisons reflect the glory of the Kingdom, they become spiritual lighthouses of Hope throughout the host country.

Men and women will come to prisons to be transformed and sent to communities as ambassadors of the Kingdom where once they were purveyors of evil.


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Tegucigalpa, Honduras

+504 9875-1598

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